Yummy Banana Breakfast Bowl!

Banana Breakfast Bowl

Breakfast is one of my favorite foods to eat, and I can eat it at any time of the day with little to no consideration of “lunch time” or “dinner time”.  I’m thankful to Instagram for introducing me to a lot of vegans and vegetarians that inspire me with new food ideas.  As much as I love to cook, sometimes it’s just easier to settle for the simpler, easy routine of eating the same things most days- and for me, that’s been a bagel with green tea most mornings.

Recently, I noted my Instagram feed flooded with breakfast bowls and everyone touted how good, healthy and simple they are, so I decided to take the plunge and see what all the hype is about.  I made my first one over a week ago– a banana bowl and I have seriously been addicted to it!  They were so right…..it’s super easy to make, simple and packed full of nutrients.

Banana breakfast bowl

Banana Breakfast Bowl

To make this banana bowl, you’ll first need to freeze one or two ripe bananas.  Once bananas are frozen, I blended them with coconut water (you can use milk), raw almonds, raw pecans and 1 teaspoon of flax seeds.  The result is a super-nutritious cereal base that quite honestly tastes like desert!  I then topped the banana cereal base with a few of my favorite fruits and nuts and got down to business of indulging in my new creation.  Seriously, try this….customize it any way you want with your favorite fruits and nuts- you really can’t go wrong, and you’d be as amazed as I was that something so simple can be oh so good!

Banana Bowl

By the way, I know nuts are healthy, but I find it hard to eat eat them plain, so this is a great way to get my daily intake blended with the banana cereal base!

Hope you try this delicious and nutritious breakfast/lunch/dinner today, and I’ll bet your socks you’ll love. Let me know what you think. 😉

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